Twin River Mobile App
Recorded by the free app Lisa Pearlman shot one klip at Twin River Casino on Aug 19 4:49 PM. If you are a fan of backing your favorite teams at your fingertips, you’ll be happy to know that Twin River has just made mobile sports betting available with the Sportsbook Rhode Island. Players will need to be 18 or older and present in the state to bet online due to geo-fencing technology required by law to ensure players are within Rhode. Add to Wishlist Welcome to Twin River Casino’s newest app! Find all the latest information on promotions, entertainment, dining and more! Also, link your rewards card to access your valuable offers.
Twin River Rewards Club members are now able to receive win/loss statements emailed to them via the Twin River mobile app! Search for ‘Twin River’ in your app store today!

Please use the form below to receive your win loss statement. For security purposes, your win loss statement will be mailed to the address we have on file through your players club account.

**Please note, Twin River Casino Hotel is only able to process win/loss statements for our Lincoln property. Click HERE for Tiverton Casino Hotel win/loss requests.
Twin River Casino Mobile App

Trust Apps Twin Rivers
If you would like would like to download and mail the statement, please send it to the attention of:
Twin River Mobile App
Twin River
Attn: Brenda Manchester
100 Twin River Road
Lincoln, RI 02865
FAX (401) 305-5183