Bingo Card 75
If you're planning a big game you can get as many bingo cards as you need. Start by ordering 500 bingo cards. After that you can easily add more bingo cards - watch a demo. You can add 100, 250 or 500 bingo cards at a time. A discount of 20% is automatically applied when you add more cards. Printable 75-ball bingo cards Hugely popular in North America, 75-ball bingo’s creation was inspired by the UK’s traditional 90-ball version. With fewer balls in play but more.
- Bingo Card Numbers 1-75
- Free Printable Bingo Number Cards
- Bingo Card Generator Numbers 1-75
- Bingo Card Up To 75
Download the Generator
File name: 180505-BingoCardGenerator-1to75-Win-2016.xls
Versions: Microsoft Excel Windows 2016, 2010, 2007
Size: 925 KB
You can obtain Microsoft Office for Windows here: United States, Canada
Bingo Card Numbers 1-75

Free Printable Bingo Number Cards
If the Excel program doesn’t open, disable the option “Protective View”.
File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Protected View
This Microsoft Excel program generates random bingo cards containing numbers from 1 to 75 with a free center. Change the contents of the yellow boxes on the Master Card. The cards will automatically update depending on the content entered.
Bingo Card Generator Numbers 1-75
Quick guide
Bingo Card Up To 75
Select one of the sheet “Card” at the bottom of the program to select the card format you wish to print. Check that the information is properly displayed. To modify the font size and color of your cards, select the corresponding rows and make the changes. You can go back at anytime to the “Instructions” sheet if changes to the Master Card are needed. To mix the cards, make any changes to the program or copy / paste (cmd + c, cmd + v) on an empty square itself. When your done creating your cards, make sure that the Page Layout is set properly before printing. You can also create a PDf File of the bingo cards you just generated. Also print the “Call Sheet” to help you organize your bingo and mark down the numbers. Don’t forget to save your work before closing the program. Good bingo!